
Founded in 2017


Spirit Night Coven was founded Spring of 2017 in Clarkston, WA. The founding members are Lady Aquarius and Witch Jake, who are the High Priestess and High Priest. When they began their spiritual journey, the duo realized a serious lack of witchcraft based groups in the area, and difficulty finding like-minded individuals. It started as a close knit, grass roots Coven where close family and friends interested in the Craft were invited, to friends of friends of friends joining. The Coven has evolving to 20+ active members, is a registered non-profit in the state of Washington and holds ceremonies for the eight major Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. Entry to the Coven by new members is extremely selective to ensure no disruptions are made to the Coven’s existing dynamic.

Our Purpose


Spirit Night Coven is a non-profit corporation and shall be operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. The purpose of Spirit Night Coven is to foster spiritual connections, shared values, and spiritual development between members in regards to the spirituality of Wicca and Witchcraft based off our Articles of Belief.

Our Philosophy


We believe that humans have the Right to Autonomy, Right to Marry + Love, and Right to be Pro-Choice. We believe that BIPOC matter. We believe in (Trans)Women Rights, LGBTQIA+ Rights, and having a Zero-Tolerance Policy of Sexual Violence. We believe in the Wiccan Rede, cycles of the Moon, Wheel of the Year, karma, the Three-Fold Law, spiritual eclecticism, and being in harmony and admiration of the natural and spiritual worlds. We do not worship negative entities (ie demons, Satan, Lucifer) as those are Christian constructs/deities. We believe that religion, magick, and wisdom go hand-in-hand. We believe in the Celtic Goddesses and Gods, Quarter and Elemental Spirits, and Entities and Spirits of the Supernatural World. We do not believe one religion or spiritual path is superior to another. We do not sacrifice animals or humans, as that would violate one of our basic tenets: an it harm none, do what ye will. For more information, please visit the Articles of Belief page.